Shed Specifications
- Pressure Treated Timber (long life, low maintenance) is used on the framework and exterior of all Garden sheds, Chalets and Summerhouses.
- What is Pressure Treatment ? Click here for more info.
- Do not confuse Pressure Treated with Pre-Treated or Exterior Treatment.
- Pressure Treated timber will last far longer than timber treated by other methods.
- This treatment can be certified by our suppliers.
Exterior Timber is "PRESSURE TREATED" with "OSMOSE NATURE WOOD" (environmentally friendly).
CLASSIC: Pressure Treated Planed Rebated Weatherboard - Shiplap, (imported from Scandinavia / Northern Europe) 18mm finished thickness approx.
LOG: Pressure Treated Rebated Weatherboard - Log Profile, (imported from Scandinavia / Northern Europe) 20mm finished thickness approx.
RUSTIC ECONOMY / PREMIUM: Pressure Treated Weatherboard - 125mm x 10mm smooth sawed boards (not planed).
Torch On Felt is a durable roofing material which is heated and stuck on to the roof and is more resistant to storm damage. Torch felt is standard on shed sizes over 10' x 8 and is much longer lasting than mineral felt.
Mineral Felt is a moderately durable roofing material that is nailed on to roof. Polyester Based.
OSB 3 (Oriented Strand Board) is used on floor and roof. This product is used extensively by the construction industry and is certified by Irish Board of Agrement.
Walls Lined with a breathable lining (barrier against dampness) are standard on Premium Sheds. Felt Lined Walls are not available on our Economy range of sheds. Example of Shed with Felt Lined Walls in picture below.
Window Panes: 24" x 24" / 24" x 18" Toughened Glass (Safety Glass) and 24" x 14" Perspex.
Perspex is used on 6' wide buildings with 2 front windows.
No window on Economy Rustic and Economy Classic range.
Hot Dipped Galvanised Nails (50 micron) are used on the exterior.
Single Door on Gable with 3 Heavy Duty Galvanised Hinges, Pad Bolt and Turn Buttons.
Sidewalls 1.8m high (6’ approx.) on all Premium Rustic, Classic an Log Sheds.
Sidewall height on Economy Rustic and Economy Classic range is 5' 6" approx.